Boost Your Swimming Speed and Lower Your 100m Pace with These Techniques

Boost Your Swimming Speed and Lower Your 100m Pace with These Techniques

Swimming is a popular activity that provides a great workout for the entire body. However, many swimmers struggle to increase their speed and drop their 100m pace. Fortunately, there are several techniques and strategies that can help us achieve our desired results, and our unique swim bench can help!

Improving our technique is crucial for increasing our swimming speed. This involves focusing on our body position, stroke technique, and breathing patterns. By making small adjustments to our technique, we can significantly improve our efficiency in the water and reduce drag, ultimately leading to faster swim times.

As well as technique, incorporating strength and conditioning exercises into our Dryland Swim training routine can also help us increase our swimming speed. By targeting the muscles used in swimming, such as the shoulders, back, and core, we can improve our power and endurance in the water. This, in turn, can help us maintain a faster pace for longer periods of time.

Understanding Swimming Dynamics

Swimming is a complex sport that involves many different factors that can affect our speed and overall performance. Understanding the dynamics of swimming can help us to identify areas where we can improve and make changes to our technique or training to achieve our goals.

One of the most important factors in swimming is hydrodynamics, which is the study of how water interacts with the body. When we swim, we are constantly pushing against the water, and it is important to minimise resistance and maximise propulsion to increase our speed.

Another important factor is body position. Maintaining a streamlined body position is crucial for reducing drag and improving our efficiency in the water. This can be achieved by keeping our head in a neutral position, our hips high in the water, and our feet close together.

There are also various techniques and strategies that we can use to increase our speed and drop our 100m pace. These may include:

By understanding the dynamics of swimming and implementing these strategies into our ZEN8 Dryland training routine, we can work towards achieving our goals and improving our overall performance in the water.

Photo credit: James Mitchell

Importance of Proper Technique

When it comes to increasing swimming speed and dropping the 100m pace, proper technique is essential. In this section, we will discuss the importance of proper technique and its various sub-sections.

Body Position

Maintaining a good body position is crucial for efficient swimming. A streamlined body position reduces drag and allows us to move through the water with less resistance. To achieve this, we need to keep our body flat and horizontal in the water. We should avoid lifting our head or hips, which can cause our legs to drop and create drag.

Stroke Efficiency

Efficient strokes are key to swimming faster and dropping our pace. We need to focus on using long, powerful strokes that propel us forward with minimal effort. Proper arm and hand placement, as well as a strong kick, are essential for achieving this. We should also aim to keep our strokes smooth and fluid, avoiding any sudden or jerky movements that can slow us down.

Breathing Patterns

Breathing is an essential part of swimming, and proper breathing patterns can help us swim faster and more efficiently. We should aim to breathe in a smooth, rhythmic pattern, taking deep breaths and exhaling fully. We should avoid holding our breath or taking shallow breaths, which can cause us to tire more quickly.

Proper technique is essential for increasing swimming speed and dropping the 100m pace. By focusing on our body position, stroke efficiency, and breathing patterns with the help of our unique swim bench, we can swim faster and more efficiently, achieving our goals both in the water and on dry land.

Role of Physical Fitness

Strength Training

When it comes to improving swimming speed and dropping the 100m pace, strength training plays a crucial role. It helps us to build muscle mass, which in turn increases our power and speed in the water.

We recommend incorporating exercises that target the major muscle groups, such as squats, deadlifts, bench press, and pull-ups. These exercises should be performed with heavy weights and low repetitions to maximise strength gains.

As well as traditional strength training exercises, we also recommend incorporating exercises that specifically target the muscles used in swimming, such as lat pulldowns, rows, and shoulder presses.

Endurance Training

Endurance training is also essential for improving swimming speed and dropping the 100m pace. It helps us to build up our cardiovascular fitness, which in turn allows us to swim faster for longer periods of time.

We recommend incorporating a mix of steady-state and interval training into your swim training routine. Steady-state training involves swimming at a moderate pace for an extended period of time, while interval training involves alternating between periods of high-intensity swimming and periods of rest.

To maximise the benefits of endurance training, we recommend gradually increasing the duration and intensity of your swim workouts over time.

A combination of strength training and endurance training is essential for improving swimming speed and dropping the 100m pace. By incorporating these types of training into your ZEN8 Swim training routine, you can build the strength and endurance needed to swim faster and more efficiently.

Importance of Nutrition

When it comes to swimming, nutrition plays a vital role in improving our performance. Proper nutrition ensures that we have the energy and nutrients needed to swim faster and maintain our pace.

To increase our swimming speed and drop the 100m pace, we need to focus on consuming the right foods and beverages. Our diet should include a balance of carbohydrates, protein, fats, and micronutrients.

Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy for our muscles. We should consume complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, to provide sustained energy for our workouts.

Protein is essential for building and repairing muscle tissue. We should aim to consume lean sources of protein, such as chicken, fish, and beans, to support muscle growth and recovery.

Fats are also important for energy and overall health. We should consume healthy fats, such as those found in nuts, seeds, and avocados, to provide sustained energy and support our immune system.

As well as macronutrients, we need to ensure that we are consuming enough micronutrients, such as vitamins and minerals. These are essential for maintaining our overall health and supporting our athletic performance.

Staying hydrated is also crucial for swimmers. We should aim to drink plenty of water and electrolyte-rich beverages, such as sports drinks, to stay hydrated and maintain our energy levels.

Proper nutrition is essential for improving our swimming performance. By consuming a balanced diet of carbohydrates, protein, fats, and micronutrients, we can provide our bodies with the energy and nutrients needed to swim faster and drop our 100m pace.

Implementing Training Strategies

Interval Training

To increase our swimming speed and drop our 100m pace, we need to incorporate interval training into our ZEN8 routine. Interval training involves alternating between periods of high-intensity swimming and periods of rest or low-intensity swimming. This type of training helps improve our cardiovascular fitness and endurance, which are essential for swimming faster.

To implement interval training, we can use a variety of techniques, including:

  • Fartlek training: This involves swimming at different speeds throughout the session, alternating between fast and slow swimming.
  • High-intensity interval training (HIIT): This involves swimming at maximum effort for a short period, followed by a period of rest or low-intensity swimming.
  • Tabata training: This involves swimming at maximum effort for 20 seconds, followed by a 10-second rest period, repeated for a total of 8 cycles.

By incorporating interval training into our routine, we can improve our swimming speed and endurance.

Resistance Training

Resistance training is another effective way to increase our swimming speed. This type of training involves using weights or other forms of resistance, in combination with the ZEN8 Dryland Swim Trainer, to build strength and power. By increasing our strength and power, we can swim faster and more efficiently.

To implement resistance training, we can use a variety of techniques, including:

By incorporating resistance training into our routine, we can improve our swimming speed and power.


Tapering is a crucial part of our training strategy if we want to drop our 100m pace. Tapering involves reducing the volume and intensity of our training in the weeks leading up to a competition. This allows our body to recover and be at its peak performance on the day of the competition.

To implement tapering, we can gradually reduce the volume and intensity of our training in the weeks leading up to the competition. We can also incorporate rest days and recovery techniques, such as massage and stretching, to help our body recover.

By implementing tapering into our training strategy, we can ensure that we are at our peak performance on the day of the competition.

By incorporating interval training, resistance training, and tapering into our training strategy, we can increase our swimming speed and drop our 100m pace.

Photo credit: James Mitchell

Tracking Progress and Adjusting Approach

To achieve our goal of dropping the 100m pace, we need to track our progress and adjust our approach accordingly. Here are some tips on how to do that effectively:

1. Use a Training Log

Keeping a training log is essential to track our progress. We can record our swim times, stroke counts, and other relevant data in a notebook or a spreadsheet. By doing so, we can identify trends and patterns in our performance and adjust our training accordingly.

2. Set Realistic Goals

Setting realistic goals is crucial to keep us motivated and focused. We should set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. For example, we can aim to drop our 100m pace by 5 seconds within the next 3 months.

3. Monitor Technique

Monitoring our technique is essential to identify any flaws or inefficiencies in our stroke. We can use video analysis tools or work with a coach to identify areas that need improvement. By improving our technique, we can swim more efficiently and reduce drag, which can help us increase our speed.

4. Vary Training

Varying our training is crucial to prevent boredom and burnout and to challenge our bodies in new ways. We can include different types of workouts in our training plan, such as interval training, endurance training, and speed work. We can also incorporate strength training and flexibility exercises to improve our overall fitness. Our unique swim bench also makes it easier than ever to train from the comfort of your own home!

By tracking our progress and adjusting our approach accordingly, we can increase our swimming speed and drop our 100m pace. It takes time, effort, and dedication, but with the right approach, we can achieve our goals.

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